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MMX General FAQ

Is there any pre-farm?

No, but starting from testnet8 (starting from block 25,000), we incentivize farmers who participate, contribute and report bugs. For every block won, the reward address is recorded and will be paid a fixed 0.5 MMX at the genesis block in mainnet. This also applies for testnet9 and subsequent testnets before mainnet launch.

How many MMX coins do I get per block reward?

0.5 MMX + transaction fees

Is there any dev fee?

There is a project fee of 1% on transaction fees (not block reward).

What kind of computer do I need to run a MMX Node?

You either need a low end GPU like a GTX 1650, or a modern high-core count CPU with SHA-NI support. This is needed to verify VDFs in MMX. RAM at least 4 GiB, and preferably an SSD to store the blockchain DB.

Can I use Chia/Chives plots to farm MMX?

No, MMX has it’s own plot format that is compression resistant.

I don’t have a lot of free space that I can allocate for MMX plots. Is it worth to farm MMX if I only have xxx TB?

I’d say it depends on your goals, the netspace on mainnet and your space allocation. But if you want to estimate your time to win MMX per day, you can use this calculator: