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CLI Commands

When compiled from source:

cd mmx-node
source ./

With a binary package install, just open a new terminal. On Windows search for MMX CMD.

To run any mmx commands (except mmx wallet create), the node needs to be running. See Getting Started to read on how to start it.

Node CLI

To check on the node: mmx node info

To check on the peers: mmx node peers

To check on a transaction: mmx node tx <txid>

To show current node height: mmx node get height

To dump a transaction: mmx node get tx <txid>

To dump a contract: mmx node get contract <address>

To get balance for an address: mmx node get balance <address> -x <currency>

To get raw balance for an address: mmx node get amount <address> -x <currency>

To dump a block: mmx node get block <height>

To dump a block header: mmx node get header <height>

To show connected peers: mmx node get peers

To show estimated netspace: mmx node get netspace

To show circulating coin supply: mmx node get supply

To call a smart contract const function: mmx node call

To show smart contract state variables: mmx node read

To dump all storage of a smart contract: mmx node dump

To dump assembly code of a smart contract: mmx node dump_code

To fetch a block from a peer: mmx node fetch block <peer> <height>

To fetch a block header from a peer: mmx node fetch header <peer> <height>

To check the balance of an address: mmx node balance <address>

To check the history of an address since a particlar block height: mmx node history <address> <block_height>

To show all offers: mmx node offers [open | closed]

To force a re-sync: mmx node sync

To replay/revert to an earlier block height: mmx node revert <height>

Wallet CLI

To show everything in a wallet: mmx wallet show

To show wallet balances: mmx wallet show balance

To show wallet contracts: mmx wallet show contracts

To show wallet offers: mmx wallet show offers

To get a specific wallet address: mmx wallet get address

To get a specific wallet balance: mmx wallet get balance

To get a specific raw wallet balance: mmx wallet get amount

To get a list of all contract addresses: mmx wallet get contracts

To get the mnemonic seed words of a wallet: mmx wallet get seed

To show entire wallet activity : mmx wallet log

To show recent wallet activity : mmx wallet log -N <limit>

To transfer funds: mmx wallet send <options>

-a <amount to send, 1.23>
-r <tx fee multiplier>
-t <destination address>
-x <currency>

To withdraw funds from a contract: mmx wallet send_from -s <address>

To transfer an NFT, same as sending with one satoshi: mmx wallet transfer

To create an offer on the chain: mmx wallet offer

(-x / -z default MMX)
-a <bid amount> -b <ask amount>
-x <bid currency> -z <ask currency>

To accept an offer: mmx wallet accept <address>

To mint tokens: mmx wallet mint

-a <amount>
-t <destination>
-x <currency>

To deploy a contract: mmx wallet deploy <file>

To execute a smart contract function: mmx wallet exec <function> <args> -x <contract>

To deposit funds to a smart contract: mmx wallet deposit <function> <args>

-a <amount to send, 1.23>
-t <contract address>
-x <currency>

To create a new wallet (offline): mmx wallet create -f [file_name] [--with-passphrase]

To create a new wallet (online): mmx wallet new [name] [--with-passphrase]

To restore a wallet from a seed hash: mmx wallet create --with-seed

To restore a wallet from a set of 24 mnemonic words: mmx wallet create --with-mnemonic

To show all wallets and their index: mmx wallet accounts

To get farmer / pool keys for plotting: mmx wallet keys

To lock a wallet if passphase enabled: mmx wallet lock

To unlock a wallet with passphrase: mmx wallet unlock

To use a non-default wallet, specify -j <index> in combination with the above commands. See mmx wallet accounts.

Farmer CLI

To check on the farm: mmx farm info

To get total space in bytes: mmx farm get space

To show plot directories: mmx farm get dirs

To add plot directories: mmx farm add <dir>

To remove plot directories: mmx farm remove <dir>

To reload plots: mmx farm reload

Harvester CLI

To check on the harvester: mmx harvester info

To get harvester space in bytes: mmx harvester get space

To show plot directories: mmx harvester get dirs

To add plot directories: mmx harvester add <dir>

To remove plot directories: mmx harvester remove <dir>

To reload plots: mmx harvester reload


To use pooling first create a plot NFT, then create plots for it and finally join a pool.

Create Plot NFT

mmx wallet plotnft create <name>

<name> can be any string without whitespace.

After creation the plot NFT is in solo farming mode, which means block rewards will directly go to your Farmer reward address. See below how to join a pool.

Note: Need to wait for the transaction to confirm before it will show up.
Note: This command takes the usual -j <index> argument to select a different wallet.

Show Plot NFTs

mmx wallet plotnft show

The address shown in [...] is the plot NFT contract address, which needs to be used for plotting.

Note: This command takes the usual -j <index> argument to select a different wallet.


$ mmx wallet plotnft show -j 1
Name: test1
Locked: true
Server URL: http://localhost:8080

Join a Pool

First you need to obtain the pool server URL for the pool, via their website or discord.

mmx wallet plotnft join <pool_url> -x <plot_nft_address>

<plot_nft_address> is the same as used for plotting, see mmx wallet plotnft show.

Note: This command does not need any -j to select a wallet.

Example: mmx wallet plotnft join http://localhost:8080 -x mmx1wknv8xxvzjafrswsrwr3l85y6d8nms2dz22dgxl2qpcyjp64amtsjqjna5

Leave Pool

mmx wallet plotnft unlock -x <plot_nft_address>

This will take 256 blocks to complete, to avoid cheating. Once complete the plot NFT is in solo farming mode, which means block rewards will directly go to your Farmer reward address.

Note: This command does not need any -j to select a wallet.

Example: mmx wallet plotnft unlock -x mmx1wknv8xxvzjafrswsrwr3l85y6d8nms2dz22dgxl2qpcyjp64amtsjqjna5

Switch Pool

First leave the current pool, wait 256 blocks for the plot NFT to unlock, then join the new pool as shown above.

Show Info

To see pool account: mmx pool info

To see partials info: mmx farm info


$ mmx pool info
Pool [http://localhost:8080]
Balance: 1.5 MMX
Total Paid: 123.456 MMX
Difficulty: 1
Pool Share: 33 %
Partial Rate: 33.5417 per hour
Blocks Found: 42
Estimated Space: 13.3789 TB
$ mmx farm info
Plot NFT [mmx1wknv8xxvzjafrswsrwr3l85y6d8nms2dz22dgxl2qpcyjp64amtsjqjna5]
Name: test1
Server URL: http://localhost:8080
Target Address: mmx1uj2dth7r9tcn3vas42f0hzz74dkz8ygv59mpx44n7px7j7yhvv4sfmkf0d
Plot Count: 100
Points: 309 OK / 0 FAIL
Difficulty: 1
Avg. Response: 0.515676 sec
Last Partial: 2024-10-13 23:25:44